Sunday, January 11, 2009

Week one finished

1/10/09 was weigh in day and I lost 2.8 lbs. That is HUGE for me. I've had a history of steady but smaller losses. Yes, I realize it is probably mostly water weight and week 2 won't be like that, but it is motivating nonetheless.

I was able to exercise four times last week. I should have done at least one more, but nights when my older daughter has karate, it's harder to do so. I could exercise before she goes, but, if I am the one taking her, then I am a sweaty mess. I can't be seen by the other karate moms after a workout. It's not a pretty picture, people. I sweat like nobody's business when I exercise. It doesn't bother me and makes me think my workouts are effective, and, thus, motivates me. But I'm dripping wet, red faced and pretty smelly. Not my usual picture of perfection. Or what passes for that.

The night I didn't take her, I was worn out after work. I like what I do, but it can be very draining mentally. It helps to exercise and clear my mind, but some nights it is harder to motivate myself than others. And this week was one of those.

So, how about some goals for this week?

1) More H2O. There is water and ice available at work, but I get busy and end up not leaving my desk much. That is not good. I need to make an effort to get more water. Last week's goal to drink one cup of coffee instead of the 5 I usually do worked out great. My office is like a meat locker some days and I crave hot liquids, not ice water (another reason it's hard to drink water at work), but I've been drinking hot tea instead of coffee (decaf, no sugar).

2) Exercise 5 days this week. Two goals for the second week is about right. More than that and you end up not accomplishing all of them. All that does for me is to make me feel I've failed. Me and Bill Murray believe in baby steps.

Friday, January 02, 2009

Hello, Reality

Alrighty, I signed up. And had to post a weight. Ouch. Not pretty. Not even a little. Of course, if I had waited longer, who knows what would have happened.

Better late then never.

But holy crap, that was an eyeopener.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Ringing in 2009!

Disclaimer: For this post, you will be required to do something. It's not hard, don't worry. **Forget everything you recently read in my blog.**


Now, kudos to Facebook because I got back in touch with an old friend. Hi, Paula! She's a WW'er too. She and I and another friend are going to go to meetings together. Yes, yes, I remember that post, too. The one where I said I was doing something different. Here's where your forgetting comes in. "You didn't see anything." (Say that in your best Madagascar penguin voice.) There have been changes to the program, it's all "new". In a familiar, same old, same old way, of course. The program doesn't change that much, really. It does work. But they've tweaked. They've tuned. It's more like Flore now. I've always liked the Flore way of thinking.

So Saturday morning (herck) will find me at a meeting with Paula and Mam.

Here's to 2009 and 8 months til I'm 40 and (hopefully) back to goal!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Ok so it's been a while.

Blogging is something that requires a lot of time, apparently. I type all day long and coming home to type? Well, that does not appeal to me most nights. I think I need a secretary. A young, studly model with a tight...... No, that wouldn't work. Another person to look after, no. The three I have are enough work. Cute, but work.

I'll just have to try harder.

So I have now been "doing" WW for six and a half years. It's been successful, it's been not so successful. I've counted at least three different ways. I've had a few forays into the world of Core. And I'm tired. I'm just tired of it all. I'm not saying I've given up and I'm going to let myself go. Fused to the couch, cheesy poofs buried in the folds of fat. Purdy. No, not that, but I don't want to count any more. I've learned so much from WW. I want to take that and find what really works for me.

I'm on a quest. First and foremost, I'm continuing with exercise. I love my walks with my lovely Ipod and my HRM. I need that time and I feel it in my body and my mind when I don't get them. I have a love/hate relationship with my elliptical. But I have a relationship. I need to add more strength training. Play with that Wii Fit more often. But baby steps, baby steps.

As for food, I'm not comfortable with a lot of additives and artificial sweeteners. I am also not capable of doing some whole food, raw, macrobiotic diet. I don't have time. And I love my cheese, my milk and some ice cream now and again. No, nothing too far out there. Everything in moderation. But nothing forbidden. Sounds difficult and free form? Yeah, it's just in the infant stage.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Life with Core

Back to work means less online time because I don' t have sanctioned internet access at work. I only have work internet access at work and, being the middle child that I am, I only use it for work. Well, I did look up the dentist's phone number online one day when I couldn't find it in my phone, but no blogging.

I like Core. I do. It's healthy, it's easy-ish, it's a nice change. That being said. I am not comfortable with Core. I like my points range. I like counting. I love a journal. It's weird to write "I ate carrots and celery until I was just satisfied, not uncomfortably full." It doesn't work for me. So I don't journal and I miss that.

I should admit upfront that I have a problem with journals and pens. A very serious addiction. I search high and low for the perfect pen. The perfect, fine point blue ink pen and the perfect, fine point black ink pen. I have hundreds of pens, which were promising at first, maybe because of the case, but turned out to not write correctly. I have favorites that are utilitarian but not pretty that I fall back on. It's a never ending journey.

I also love journals. Spiral bound with pretty covers. Or funny covers. I've tried the WW type, with the lines and all the HG's printed on to check off. And I do like those features, but the covers leave a lot to be desired. And sometimes the quality of the paper isn't compatible with the pen Du Jour. I hate when the ink feathers or splotches. And I'm not a fan of wide ruled. I prefer college ruled. But I have been lured into buying a wide ruled journal with a pretty cover. And I try to like it, but I never do.

Unhealthy obsession to stationery supplies aside, another problem I have with Core is fat free cheese. I hate fat free dairy. It's not yummy. The cheese does not melt properly. It's not good. I don't mind low fat. It's still got some ability to melt properly and doesn't taste bad or of plastic. I can't bring myself to use fat free dairy.

I also do not use artificial sweeteners. I do not think that they are particularly healthy. That is just my personal opinion. I think in moderation, real sugar is healthier. So I also won't use artificial sweeteners.

Because fat free dairy and artificial sweeteners are staples of the Core way of life, what I do cannot be call Core. Also, I want something to track in my journal. So, I will do something closer to Flore, a mixture of the Core principals while counting points. Healthy, whole foods, with low fat dairy, and real sugar as needed.

Now, off to buy a new pen(s) and journal(s)!

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Green bananas

The bananas are STILL green. Expensive, inedible and green. That is all.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Day 3

Life in the Core lane has been a little slow going. There are a few obstacles in the way right now.

I can't drive yet. Not until tomorrow. So that makes it hard to grocery shop. When I was still very, very sore and recovering in bed, I sent my husband for a few items. Some soup. Some white soda (this was pre-Core and post operation and, at the time, presently, nauseated from pain meds). Some fruit. He managed the soup and the soda just fine. Just fine. I was so proud. And then came the fruit. *sigh* He's very cute.

He brought home 3 green organic bananas. I don't buy organic bananas. Not to offend the organic who read this, but I see no point in buying organic bananas. The peel comes off. The fruit is protected inside.

And they are like 30 times as expensive as regular bananas.

The point is, even with a list, I cannot send my husband to the grocery store.

My dad took me to the store the other night. Have you ever been shopping with a 72 year old man? It was the world's quickest trip. Bare necessities. I endured endless debate on my choices and how much more money it cost where we were than at the other stores in town. And I still didn't get any bananas. Because they were $.69 at the superstore we were at and he can get them for $.47 somewhere and it wasn't worth the argument. So I left them there.

I've managed to make good choices with what I have available. Like some nice turkey chili tonight.

But, I am DYING to be in a store on my own.

And, no, please don't suggest hubby driving me. I'd have to take the kids too. Have you ever shopped with kids? I know some people do it, but they cannot possibly enjoy it. I know I don't enjoy when other people shop with their kids.

Or their husbands. Have you seen these people? They stand, open mouthed, together in front of whatever I am trying to find, debating the merits of brand A over brand B. Like neither one of them can make a decision without the other. Or she demurs to him. "What do you want, sweetie? I like this, but it's up to you." Ugh. If you have to do that, come to the store at 11 pm when I will be asleep, because I do not want to have to watch that. My husband eats whatever I feed him and is happy to have it. Sure, I throw him a bone now and again. I fix his favorites, and he doesn't suffer. But mostly he doesn't bug me to go shopping. And I really love him for it.